Jan 15, 2020 – Lite Run announces its presence at the upcoming Arab Health Exhibition in Dubai January 27th through 30th. “This is a great opportunity for us to share our story and transformative product with some of the world’s leading health care providers” stated founder Doug Johnson who will represent Lite Run at the Exhibition.
Lite Run markets an innovative “Gait Trainer” system that includes a soft exosuit or “spacesuit” pants. It is used with stroke survivors, those with spinal cord injury and others relearning to walk in a hospital physical therapy setting. The exosuit “unweights” patients by up to one-half of their body weight. The pants attach to an over-ground, unconditionally stable walker that that maintains the pants pressure to the desired level of unweighting. The device supports docking to a wheelchair, and it includes a sit-to-stand feature that assists in lifting patients up out of the chair. The Gait Trainer has an easy to use touch screen interface that accepts variable unweighting, and displays distance walked, walking speed and other patient metrics. Once standing, falls are prevented with an integrated ‘lock’, and the patient is thus very secure. Patients up to 350 lbs. weight may be supported.