medical equipment devices Arab Health

The latest medical equipment & devices available to the region

Efficient sourcing  |  Distribution opportunities  |  Comprehensive comparisons

Discover more than 1,500 healthcare brands dedicated to this product sector for you to explore and source from.

27 - 30 Jan 2025

Dubai World Trade Centre

Medical equipment & devices sector

Whether you're aiming to be a distributor for the newest devices in the region or looking to source the most efficient equipment for your healthcare facility, the Medical equipment and devices sector at Arab Health is the perfect avenue for you to do business with leading manufacturers from 70 countries. 

Industry insights

The medical devices industry is poised for continuous growth thanks to the application of life-saving technologies. From innovative devices such as wearables to health data services, the medical device industry is working towards opening doors for more personalised and value-based healthcare.

A medical device is an instrument that plays a crucial role in diagnosing, preventing or treating a disease or other medical conditions, which allows people to live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. Currently, the medical device market is going through a significant transformation thanks to technological advancements boosting the industry. Read full report.

Artificial Intelligence, despite its many uses in healthcare, still faces obstacles to widespread adoption. Here are ways to overcome them more

Upcoming trends in health-tech services illustrate a promising more

US and UK experts discussed the future of digital health at a virtual talk, The Benefits of the Rise in Technology Applications in Patient-Centric more

Nephrology is a budding specialty with several advancements taking place every day. Broadly, disease in Nephrology is classified as acute more

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