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Whether you're aiming to be a distributor for the latest game-changing technology in the region or looking to source the next best thing for your healthcare facility, the Healthcare transformation sector at Arab Health is the perfect avenue for you to do business and network with industry leaders.
With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating a shift in consumer preferences and care-delivery innovation, and health systems now transforming their relationship with consumers, what trends and innovations will stand out as the key to continued healthcare transformation, now and in the future?
Healthcare no longer runs in silos, where providers, insurers, manufacturers, and patients operate independently from each other. Instead, today's healthcare ecosystem is digital, where care is delivered at scale and pace, with technology, innovation, and consumer preferences as the main drivers towards more efficient and better-quality care. However, change does not come without collaboration from the healthcare leaders, medical professionals, entrepreneurs, investors and patients that work together to help reshape the sector.
Driving transformation in healthcare: a global objective
According to the World Economic Forum, the healthcare industry has seen a massive wave of investment, innovation and new entrants from the technology, telecom, and consumer industries. In 2021 alone, US$44 billion was raised globally in health innovation, twice as much as in 2020, and the acquisition of health and health tech companies rose 50%.
Ahead of the World Economic Forum's 2022 Annual Meeting in Davos...read full report.
Like most classically trained orthopaedists, a decade ago I was highly sceptical of stem cells and their therapeutic value. Today, as a treating physician at the Knee and Hip Institute...read more
The need of having a more functional hand stimulated the development of silicone implants for small joint arthroplasty...read more